What Should I Wear to Work Now?

A funny little book for funny little fashionistas about choosing the right clothes and accessories for different events and occasions.

Thirteen silly characters have gotten their clothes and equipment all mixed up for various events and occasions, causing them all sorts of trouble. Young readers are encouraged to pick out the correct clothing and equipment for each occasion, making for a fun, zany, and interactive experience. To save the day, kids will help the following characters in crazy outfits find the proper attire:

  1. People dressed in regal period costumes to go to the theater

  2. A woman wearing a wedding dress while playing tennis

  3. A couple in snorkeling gear attending a wedding

  4. A couple dressed like rodeo cowboys at a fancy restaurant

  5. An office worker in her work clothes attending Carnival

  6. A woman in a fancy ball gown playing soccer

  7. Kids still in their pajamas in the classroom

  8. A guy fully decked out in winter gear lying in bed

  9. A girl in a tennis outfit on a dirty farm

  10. A painter covered in paint and hiking in the rain

  11. A woman in a fancy dress figure skating

  12. A man dressed as a mermaid while swimming

  13. A man in a nice suit getting his paints everywhere while painting

With these wacky and colorful illustrations depicting funny situations and crazily dressed people, kids will be drawn into various scenes and encouraged to help the zany characters pick the right clothing and accessories for each event. Along the way, they will learn about appropriate attire for different occasions. Silly questions such as, "Is it okay to go to school in pajamas?" and "What is it like to play soccer in slippers?" are explored, adding a fun and lightly educational aspect to the book, which offers an interactive experience that encourages creativity and problem-solving.


This book is perfect for young readers aged 3–5 who enjoy funny situations and are interested in fashion, clothing, and what we wear in different circumstances. Equally suitable for a parent looking for a fun activity to share with their child or a teacher seeking a unique way to teach about professions, this book offers an opportunity for children to learn about different types of clothing, accessories, and events while also improving their decision-making skills. The colorful and engaging illustrations will captivate children immediately, making this book a great addition to any young reader’s collection.


Key Selling Points:


  • Amusing: Cartoony illustrations depicting funny situations with crazily dressed people.

  • Engaging activities: Kids are drawn into different scenes and encouraged to choose various clothes for the characters as well as to pick out the right color combination.

  • Educational: Children learn about various clothing for different occasions and professions, broadening their vocabulary along the way.

  • Ideal format: The perfect size for small hands and high-quality endpaper.

  • Best-selling author: From the author of Shapes and Patterns in Nature and Colors in Nature.


Series Description:


These fun and interactive books challenge young readers to match professions and circumstances with the correct clothing and equipment. With colorful illustrations and humorous situations, each book provides an engaging experience that encourages creativity and problem-solving. The first book in the series features various professions with mixed-up clothes and equipment, while the second book focuses on choosing the right clothes and accessories for different events and occasions. Both books promise to provide hours of fun and laughter.


What Should I Wear to Work?


Fruits & Vegetables